The disabled market sits at over 1.7 billion globally

The disabled market sits at over 1.7 billion globally, United Disabilities

By Terry Loerch

In recent years, businesses around the world have started to realize the importance of catering to disabled customers. With over 1.7 billion people around the world living with some form of disability, the United Nations has estimated that approximately 16% of the population is disabled. As such, businesses should not overlook the needs of this important and growing customer base. By creating an accessible environment, businesses can not only better serve their disabled customers but also unlock new markets and opportunities.

Currently, the disabled market sits at over 1.7 billion globally. The average disabled individual makes only a few hundred dollars less but spends an average of 30% more that the conventional sector on products. Unfortunately, businesses haven’t yet understood this and that a majority of businesses are still not ADA-compliant. This means that many disabled individuals may be excluded from taking advantage of specific products or services because the accessibility to some of these services and businesses is limited or even non-existent.

Businesses need to pay attention and become cognisant of the potential customer base they are missing with these access issues, coupled with offering services that cater to the needs of the disabled community. This will enable them to remain competitive and grow within this growing market base. A few simple modifications such as wheelchair ramps, step-free entryways, Braille signage, and hearing loop systems can help create welcoming environments and accessibility for those living with disabilities.

Businesses must also consider their online presence in order to reach those who may be homebound due to physical limitations. Offering access to websites through screen readers and providing audio options can make a huge difference in reaching out to disabled customers.

We understand that this is a confusing market and you may have many questions, concerns, etc. United Disabilities is here to help. We are a platform that you can utilize to ask those questions and get the answers you need. We are also a platform that you can utilize to sell the wide range of products this community needs. We want you to be ADA-compliant and accessible in multiple marketing venues so you can be successful. Let’s work together to make your company accessible for all.

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